september 23, 2017
Rab-bit Pi
Since the start of Free Rabbits, many Karotz owners contacted me using the contact page of this website. With some of them, I still have email communication from time to time.
One of these Karotz friends is living in the UK, and he is named Lee. Lee contacted me earlier this year, sharing his dream about the next generation rabbits. He wants to re-create internet connected rabbits, by building new hardware, new software and a new eco-system. So this is not only an idea about using the "old" Karotz and changing its innerparts, it is about creating new powerful rabbits that can be your internet friends in the future.
This weekend, Lee contacted me again to let me know that he has started an Indiegogo-campaign. With this campaign, he hopes to raise some money to build his dream. He calls his project "Rab-bit Pi". Just take a look at it on Indiegogo:
Of course, when his campaign is successful, and he starts to think about the next step, we will share our knowledge and will help where we can. If you want to contact Lee, just visit his Rab-bit website at